
Mobile Web Design

Back in the old days (last year) many web design companies would sell separate mobile sites in addition to the regular site. In fact many of those web development companies still offer two separate sites.  There was a time when it made perfect sense to have a mobile version of your website. This was important because the sales of smart phones continued to climb.  Then people started buying tablets made by some major manufacturers. As a result, it became even more important to have that second website. Computer sales kept dropping and nobody knows where the bottom will be.

Why don’t I need a mobile site?

The great news is that now we are making what is known as Responsive Web Design. What that means is that your new website will detect the device the viewer is using. Consequently, it will actually reshape itself to fit the device being used.

responsive web design

Today if someone wants to offer you a second version of your website for mobile users then it is time to grab your wallet and run!

The video shows how this design looks on a smartphone and the picture shows how it looks on a laptop computer.

Let us build a mobile friendly website for your business!

It’s like a two for one special!